Participant Questionnaire for multiday, self-sufficient trainings and expeditions

Some of our courses as well as our tours and expeditions take place in remote areas where rescue services cannot necessarily arrive within the usual times. In some places we have no mobile phone coverage and are reliant on satellite emergency call systems.

It is therefore important to be aware of any special medical conditions our participants may have.Every tour is accompanied by at least one guide trained in emergency medical care on tour (Wilderness First Aid), who will also act in an emergency. And even if there is no emergency, it helps us to know your particular circumstances so that we can adapt to you in the best possible way.

We therefore ask you to fill in this questionnaire truthfully; it must not be more than 6 months old at the time of the start of the relevant trip.

If you have any questions, please speak to your doctor.


Providing your customer number helps us to process your data, but is not necessary.
We always require a valid e-mail address directly from you at this point. It is used for automatic confirmation of the data transmitted here.

Emergency contact

This should be a mobile number

Size information of participant (only when using rental equipment)

Please specify which size measure you are giving (EU/US/UK/cm)

Special medical features

Physical/motor skill prerequisites

If you are unsure, please speak to your doctor.
With your entry or the entry "none" you confirm that you have named all relevant special features or that to the best of your knowledge you have none.

Final information and transmission

If not already known, we would be pleased to hear about your previous experience in outdoor activities on the water (canoe/kayak/packraft/boat in general) and on land. Thank you very much!
Do you have any special dietary preferences that you would like us to know about? (For example lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, no alcohol, etc.)

This questionnaire is sent directly to our server via an encrypted connection.

Before submitting the form, please check the address bar of your browser to ensure that there is an authenticated, secure connection to the domain via the Land Water Adventures SSL certificate.

The personal data provided in this questionnaire will be treated confidentially upon arrival on our server and processed in accordance with our privacy policy with special protection of personal data.